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# Yelp Fusion API: A Front-End Approach ## Background It's hard to imagine anyone who doesn't know Yelp, the ubiquitous crowd-sourced reviews business which helps users gauge various qualitative (and quantitative) aspects of a business. A common use would be as a reference for restaurants with quality and price ratings and, sometimes, pictures. As of April 2017, Yelp has been requiring developers to switch to using their latest (v3) API: **Yelp Fusion**, having sunset their v2 version. I have not had any experience with earlier versions of the Yelp APIs but I can say that Fusion is very developer friendly as it sports a robust JSON RESTful API capable of executing various detailed searches while supporting autocomplete and lat-lng coordinates, which integrate very nicely with downstream applications that use these such as Google Maps. See [here](https://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/v3) for documentation. One of the features which sets Fusion apart from the v2 API is the use of OAuth 2.0. As a result, a basic working feature of the new Fusion API is that developers must register their application in exchange for which they will get a client id and client secret. The combination of the client id and secret, in turn, may be used to obtain a bearer authorization token from Yelp. Any calls made to Fusion must be accompanied by this bearer token for the query to be valid/authenticated by Yelp. Yelp describes this very neatly in its helpful [documentation](https://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/v3/get_started). Once issued, bearer authorization tokens are valid for 180 days (at the time of this writing); thus, there is no need to repeatedly request bearer tokens from Yelp within this time period as they may simply be re-used each time a query is sent to Fusion. That said, it appears a seamless protocol to handle expired/expiring bearer tokens has yet to be developed (see: [here](https://github.com/Yelp/yelp-fusion/issues/84)). Since the current Fusion set up is as follows: ``` client id + client secret = bearer token ``` the security considerations for the client id and secret should be obvious - they should be kept secret and never exposed. Perhaps as a result of this, the Fusion API appears to have been developed ***with the intention for back-end use*** as there is no current "approved" method of using Fusion via JavaScript. Accordingly, Ajax requests from the front-end result in CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing violation) issues, as neither CORS headers nor the JSONP workarounds are supported by Fusion (at least not at the time of this writing). ## Why does this matter? This matters because while the Yelp Fusion API works just fine as a back-end API (and the folks at Yelp and their collaborators have done a fantastic job of providing numerous code samples for these in all flavors of languages, see: [here](https://github.com/Yelp/yelp-fusion/tree/master/fusion)) the apparent incongruence of a back-end API for what is essentially meant to be a front-end use-case begs the question: Why can't a client-side request be made to Fusion for data that will (very likely) end up being rendered in the browser? As things are currently set up, Fusion's intended use works as follows: ![fusion_current](/static/assets/img/blog/2017-06-22-yelp-fusion/fusion_current.png) where the application interfacing with Fusion in the back-end acts as an intermediary. Contrast this with the following possible scenario with no intermediary: ![fusion_ideal](/static/assets/img/blog/2017-06-22-yelp-fusion/fusion_ideal.png) It's possible that during the dev and testing phase, the difference in overhead between these two approaches is small enough to be barely noticeable. In the real world, however, I'm constantly reminded of what mere milliseconds cost during [browsing behavior](http://blog.gigaspaces.com/amazon-found-every-100ms-of-latency-cost-them-1-in-sales/) which would be part and parcel of the current approach. Furthermore, it makes logistical/operational sense to adopt the approach with no intermediary in which requests are made directly from the front-end to Yelp and returned back to the client since nearly 100% of the time this data is meant to be rendered in the browser. Of course, this last "statistic" is a conjecture of mine - perhaps it's only 80 or 90% of the time - I don't know, but I'm willing to bet it's pretty high. Unfortunately, Fusion's intended use as things now stand does not make this possible. ## The Challenge Given the workings of OAuth2.0, it makes sense to store client credentials server-side, in keeping with the back-end orientation described above. However, it would appear that exposure of the bearer token itself *also* carries a security risk (or at least a potentially disruptive impact) as anyone could use the valid bearer token to make requests against the API, which would work against the quota of the original owner/application. This is because use of the authorization token with Fusion may be summarized by the following relationship: ``` bearer token = permission to use API ``` This is in contrast with other vendors/entities who use OAuth2.0. Google, for instance, which uses OAuth2.0 for all its APIs, enforces an authorized origin such that the authorization code (in Google parlance) must be matched with the origin from which it emanates to be permissioned to use a given Google API. In other words: ``` API key + authorized origin (originating domain for request) = permission to use API ``` The list of authorized origins is something which can be edited in the developer's Google API dashboard. Here is a snapshot of one with salient details blurred out: ![GoogleAuthOrigin](/static/assets/img/blog/2017-06-22-yelp-fusion/GoogleAuthJSOrigins.jpg) By matching up an authorization code with an authorized JavaScript origin in this way, Google prevents *unauthorized* access to APIs from the likes of someone who might have stolen the authorization code for an API but who nonetheless would be attempting to access the Google API from an unregistered origin, thus rendering the stolen token useless. *If not enforcing such a check, as is the current set-up with Fusion, then* *exposure of the bearer-token presents the usage vulnerability described.* (Note that Google APIs also support development and testing - thus one can specify 'localhost' and a given port number as an authorized JavaScript origin as opposed to a live domain). ## A possible workaround I took it upon myself to adapt a front-end approach (via JavaScript and/or jQuery) to querying Yelp Fusion. Recall that in order for any valid requests to be sent to Fusion, an authorized bearer token must accompany the request. Any front-end exposure of the token, either via cookies or local storage, exposes the bearer token and thus the app owner to the vulnerability described above. While [JavaScript encryption methods](https://github.com/bitwiseshiftleft/sjcl) do exist, these appear intended to encrypt information client-side but to allow for decryption server-side. Since this involves crossing over to the server-side of things, this defeats our purpose. Methods to mitigate this, from a purely front-end perspective, yield what I deem to be sub-optimal results. For instance, it occured to me to salt the bearer token server-side and set as a cookie client-side with JavaScript making a request for the salt from my application upon loading. The idea was that once in the browser, the salted bearer token cookie would be unusable but that my JavaScript, knowing the salt, could cleanse/unsalt the cookie to get the 'clean' bearer token when sending requests to Fusion. Of course, the issue of persistence arises here. Sure, I can get that salt into a JavaScript memory space upon loading but once that script is run, it's gone. Now the question arises as to how to hold on to that salt value without storing as a cookie or in local storage. Further, since the stack/associated scripts is visible client-side - not to mention the local storage and cookie itself - this would expose both the salt and cleansing technique, thus rendering this approach pretty much useless. In fact, (as I'm sure is obvious) this would merely reduce to the same vulnerability as the original exposure of the bearer-token via a cookie in the browser in the first place. At best, it would make things *more inconvenient* for someone client-side to: copy the bearer token, retrieve the salt, cleanse the token and subsequently use it (as opposed to merely copying the bearer-token from a cookie or local storage). Of course, if you're willing to cut corners and merely make it ***inconvenient*** for someone to steal/use the bearer token, this is one way of doing it. The following approaches are better workarounds to this approach but are nevertheless vulnerable, albeit in a smaller way: 1). At the start of a given session, have the application request the bearer token from Yelp and retain this value in memory. The application would then serve the token to JavaScript requests which could then go directly to Yelp with data coming directly back to the client. 2). At the start of a given session, set the salted bearer token as a cookie in the browser. Serve the salt to a JavaScript request which would then cleanse the bearer token before sending a query to Yelp. One problem here is that while a randomly generated salt is likely to change from one session to another, the token doesn't. Thus, "diffing" a salted bearer token between two sessions would simply reveal the token itself, in all its naked glory. 3). Yet another variant could be for a JavaScript request for both the salted token and the salt from the server with the script doing the cleansing client-side. Reading the script in the stack would reveal how to get to the underlying token, but at least our potential thief would have to sniff out both pieces of data being transmitted and then emulate the approach in the script to reveal the token (and we would be happy knowing that at least they had to work for it). I repeat that none of these approaches is foolproof. Furthermore, none of these addresses the vulnerability of exposing our bearer token during transmission of our query from the front-end to Yelp in the first place. However, in the trade-off for operational efficiency, it might be worth it (in the end, it's a judgement call). In the grand scheme of things, keep in mind our scope here is to mitigate issues with a *potentially* stolen authorization token, **not client id** **and secrets**. Stolen tokens could mean quota usage being eaten up, but this does not amount to compromising the user account which should ultimately exercise any/all validity over authorization tokens. Again, all of this could be negated if Yelp were to enforce a combination of bearer token + authorized origin for API access rather than bearer token alone. If it did, an application could retrieve the bearer token upon loading and store it fully exposed in a cookie without worry of anyone using the bearer token to make queries against the owner's quota as they would necessarily be doing this from a non-authorized origin, thus failing at Yelp's end. ## Going for it If you're like me and believe it might be worth it to issue Fusion API requests from the client, you might agree that option #3 above would be worth a try. While it's true this involves some client/server crossover (and thus overhead) at least it's not as much as with the default back-end to back-end setup. Thus, the idea is to emulate an approach as follows: ![fusion_modified](/static/assets/img/blog/2017-06-22-yelp-fusion/fusion_modified.png) *(Note: we'll request salt and salted tokens per #3 above as it's more 'fun' but it should be clear the fundamental approach is the same as querying for the token itself from our application).* ### But what about CORS? What about CORS, you say? Valid question. Even if we *do* end up getting this up and running, we'll ultimately be making requests from one domain to another, thus giving rise to the cross-origin resource sharing violation request. Recall that traditional workarounds to such access violations have included activating a CORS request by setting the request header appropriately and/or using JSONP to wrap our query. However, as neither of these methods are supported by Fusion, we're out of luck on this front. That said, we *do* have at our disposal a tool which allows us to emulate a proxy server request, supporting a CORS header in the process, thereby allowing us to complete our query as though it were 'server-side', bypassing the CORS violation. This works by simply prepending the indicated URL to our target URL and voila - we get to serve a request without raising any CORS violations. You can read more about this [here](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cors-anywhere). ## Putting it all together: querying Fusion from the front-end Okay, it's action time. Let's put together our key ideas from the preceding commentary and see what we can do. To recap, we are going to: 1). Have our back-end application (in this case Python) request our bearer token from Yelp using our client credentials. Our application will then generate a random salt and salt the token and pass both to our JavaScript query when requested. 2). When the user initiates a Yelp query from the browser, we will send an ajax request to our application which will return the salted token and its salt and use JavaScript to cleanse the salted token. This way, we have two mysterious bits of data coming into the browser, but only briefly - avoiding long periods of exposure as would be the case if stored plain-text in a cookie. *Remember this is still a vulnerable approach, just "less" so.* 3). We will prepend our cors anywhere URL to our target URL, which in this case would be the Yelp search path, along with any other query parameters. 4). We will send our cors-anywhere prepended URL to Yelp together with our cleansed bearer token and process the response returned from Yelp in the front-end, rendering them in the browser. Again, we are exposing our token in this traffic, but that's the price which must be paid, currently. The following are the relevant snippets I have used for this (my backend application was built in Python for which a very good reference to interfacing with Fusion from Yelp developers can be found [here](https://github.com/Yelp/yelp-fusion/tree/master/fusion/python)). Note that since I went the Python route, this also meant using Flask for some of the tasks involved, per the suggestion of Yelp folks. ### A). Backend Part: 1). Get bearer token. This is, of course, an essential step. I keep all my Yelp access credentials safely tucked away server-side - in an external file, in fact, which is read by my application before requesting my bearer token from Yelp. Here's how I do that bit: ``` CRED_FILE = "static/assets/docs/credentials" // contains YELP_CLIENT_ID & SECRET YELP_AUTH_URL = "https://api.yelp.com/oauth2/token" def fetchCredentials(): with open(CRED_FILE) as credentials: creds = json.load(credentials) return creds def getBearerToken(): creds = fetchCredentials() data = urlencode({ 'client_id': creds['YELP_CLIENT_ID'], 'client_secret': creds['YELP_CLIENT_SECRET'], 'grant_type': 'client_credentials', }) headers = { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', } response = requests.request('POST', YELP_AUTH_URL, data=data, headers=headers) response = response.json() return response['access_token'] ``` 2). Salt the bearer token. The getBearerToken() function above is called from my main() function which is run when the application is launched. Note from below that I store all my session-relevant settings (like the salt, which will vary from one session to another) in global variables. **Before you balk at this**, allow me to say: yes, I too follow the paradigmatic programming dogma and ordinarily eschew the use of these but since the application in this instance is so light and straightforward, I'm not really exposing myself to the common drawbacks (like variable scope confusion, memory issues, etc.) which come with these. *(Note: a web server in a production environment may not offer the possibility* *of sharing globals in this way as it's likely to be multi-process in which case* *these terms will have to be re-requested from our application. Even so, this* *workaround should still prove more expedient than a pure back-end approach).* This way, I need query Yelp only once and, so long as my application is running, I'll have the values for key variables in memory ready to serve back immediately to the front-end when I need them. Moreover, these "variables" really function more as *constants* (for the life of the session, at least). Here's how I salt them (you can vary this to your taste): ``` import string import random SALT_LEN = 64 def makeSalt(len,chars): SALT = ''.join(random.choice(chars) for x in range(len)) SALT = '-'+SALT+'_' return SALT @app.route('/') def main(): global BEARER_TOKEN global SALT global SALTED_TOKEN BEARER_TOKEN = getBearerToken() SALT = makeSalt(SALT_LEN, string.ascii_letters + string.digits) SALTED_TOKEN = BEARER_TOKEN[0:int(len(BEARER_TOKEN)/2)] + SALT +\ BEARER_TOKEN[int(len(BEARER_TOKEN)/2):len(BEARER_TOKEN)] return render_template('index.html') ``` 3). Deliver salted token to client when requested: This is an ordinary function which simply jsonifies our token and serves it to the client when a JavaScript call is made: ``` @app.route('/saltydog', methods=['POST']) def giveItUp(): outgoing = [{'term1': SALTED_TOKEN}, {'term2': SALT}] return json.dumps(outgoing) ``` Again, as global variables, these persist in memory and can be readily served back between query calls in the browser. ### B). Frontend Part: Below is a basic JavaScript sample I have hammered out which works with the given Python script above. For the sake of brevity, I have simply hard-coded some key features like the url and forced search term variables equal to particular values. I would highly recommend modularizing/separating these settings out. It goes without saying that the hand-selected terms would need to be read in from user input. Here it goes: ``` var cors_anywhere_url = 'https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/'; var yelp_search_url = cors_anywhere_url + "https://api.yelp.com/v3/businesses/search?location=CITY&term=TERM"; var btn = document.getElementById('find'); function fetchTerms() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/saltydog", success: prepQuery }); } function prepQuery(terms) { var inputs = JSON.parse(terms); // salted bearer token here in inputs var city = 'boston'; // get this from user input var term = 'burger'; // get this from user input var search_url = yelp_search_url.replace("CITY",city); search_url = search_url.replace("TERM",term); seek(search_url,inputs,mycallbackfunc); } btn.addEventListener("click",function(){ fetchTerms(); }); function mycallbackfunc(info){ console.log(info);// do whatever you want with your info in the browser here } function seek(search_url,inputs,mycallbackfunc) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', search_url, true); // bearer token is evaluated and sent off immediately in our query request to Fusion xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + inputs[0].term1.replace(inputs[1].term2,"")); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) { mycallbackfunc(xhr.responseText); } }; xhr.send(); } ``` As can be seen above, we are doing 3 critical things: 1). We are requesting our bearer authorization token from our application (which stands at the ready to deliver these) and get these in some salted form. Note that we also assign not-so-obvious names to these like 'terms' and inputs (though I don't count on these throwing anyone off)!! 2). We kick off our query with a button click event (presumably this would be the case with most front-end interactions) during which we substitute 'user' input for search terms. 3). Finally, we send all this information to the 'seek' function which sends the query to Yelp. In doing so, we use the cors-anywhere utility url which we simply prepend to our yelp search url, thus avoiding the CORS violation errors. Token-wise, note that we do not expose our bearer token until the very last step - in fact, it's evaluated as we send off the query to Fusion. For our purposes here, I have simply stripped the salt from the salted token but more innovative approaches (including entirely different ciphering methods) are possible. Not foolproof by any means, but perhaps *inconvenient enough*. Obviously, you can do whatever you want with the output but the nice thing is that it's sent back to the browser where it's ready to be rendered as you wish. In this case, I simply report it to console log. Here is some of what that looks like when searching for burgers in Boston: ``` {"businesses": [{"id": "boston-burger-company-boston-boston", "name": "Boston Burger Company - Boston", "image_url": "https://s3-media2.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/9yg001nUy8CTUrIlC-Js8w/o.jpg", "is_closed": false, "url": "https://www.yelp.com/biz/boston-burger-company-boston-boston?adjust_creative=I_onoqA0HxiE5cqYqht_YQ&utm_campaign=yelp_api_v3&utm ``` Again, this is all in very brief form and I would recommend that Yelp's code samples at GitHub be studied closely to glean best practices for sending queries to Fusion. There's probably other (better) ways of accomplishing this task, but I felt it would help to document one such approach. Hope you find it useful.

-A. Ozan Akcin